Friday, November 19, 2010

Here you are not in Burma, but Kachinland

"Have you ever been to Burma? 'Asked my host. "No, this is the first time." "Here you are not in Burma, but Kachinland" corrects me does it nicely. Far from the snows of the Pamirs, we are in the rainforest of Kachin State, Burma a renegade province. Deep in the mountains, Laiza, a border town with China, is also the headquarters of the KIO (Kachin Independence Organization) and its armed wing, the KIA (Kachin Independence Army) stronger than ten thousand men.

In recent months, we are here on a war footing. The cease-fire that brought an uneasy peace today are challenged by the junta, which wants to integrate the KIA and its army to regain control of its borders. Ultimatums to the junta remained unanswered. This war is announced almost eagerly awaited here even if the power relationship between the two armies leaves little chance to Kachin. Over the years, the grievances against the Burmese government has accumulated. The Kachin State, rich jade, gold and timber, has been gradually stripped of his wealth by the Burmese government. Local people are brutally displaced for hydraulic projects undertaken in cooperation with the Chinese.
The intransigence of Burma, leaving the armed conflict as the only solution. This prospect does not frighten Kachin Christians whose reputation for good soldiers is well established. Helicopters and fighter jets Burmese Chief of Staff of the KIA opposes the spirit of resistance to any event. They are dozens of young people to join the ranks of the daily KIA, ready to fight.

A few miles jungle Laiza, atop a hill, the fog shrouded outpost of the KIA. Expected. Informant warned of a building Burmese troops around. I ask a soldier fear? "No, I can not wait to see the enemy in front." But for now it is peace that prevails. The big neighbor, China is not foreign. She wants stability on its borders and fear an influx of refugees. 300 000 Kachin live in Yunnan and could take advantage. Especially, a conflict would affect the flourishing border trade and an important source of raw materials imported from Burma. The junta has been warned by his valuable ally against any attempted military solution. For now she keeps quiet.

Kachin soldiers in training.

Mass output Laiza. The Kachin are 90% Christian. The Protestant and Catholic churches Kachin, support KIO.

A soldier K.I.A. Jade looks a load of crude. It was sold to a Chinese businessman for a $ 25 000. The richest mine of Asian jade found in Kachin State. This is exploited by companies linked to the Burmese junta, which leave the Kachin as low quality stones.

In the neighboring province of Yunnan, Chinese tourists buy jade. The resource jade Kachin State is at the heart of the conflict. The stone is very popular with Chinese.

Hills Kachin State, near China. Quiet for how long?

Matsing : n'dai post hpe French laika kaw na English de gale da ai sha re.
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